Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:21 AM
Can I be a girl ?

The other side of me

Sometimes , I regard myself as girl rather tha a boy . I don't seem to know why . haha . That's the hilarious thing eventhough I'm into soccer and stuffs which some girls does'nt . But to why I regard myself as a girl is because I tend to love girl's activity such as shopping and etc. Weird....weird.....weird...... :D

For example , that day I went shopping with this vain girl . Its like so tiring but yet exciting and indeed , I helped her to search for her stuffs even by going inside the women's store and act as if nothing had happened . Haha , cool isn't it ? But still , bad luck cause its kinda embarassing when you noticed that your the only guy in there . Also , I'm starting to like women's accessories such as clips , hairbands and even the women's shades and etc. but not those wild stuffs such as G-strings and all xDD I'm not a pure gayy okayy . I only do gay-activities when I'm bored and the main gay-enemies are like Iz , fad and a few more xD rabak per aku ! haha ~

To conclude all these , I'm still straight and acquires that man-thing in me . haha . Anyway , for now , I'm starting to feel the gaiety in me . I hope this continues and just keep track of when it will stop ( probably during 'N's nxt yr ) ugh ! nevermind , I'm confident .

-the end-


tc souls ! ((:


Monday, November 3, 2008, 7:22 AM
emy;supervain hacks ! :D

I am emy;supervain and I'm hacking this asshole's blog!

(Even though i actually told him that I'm hacking, so its not considered hacking, ass.)

Syaiful's fat and ugly, and my boyfriend. :DD

Oh, and sorry souls for spoiling his blog, heh.

Whats up dickheads !
Muhammad Syaiful
A pessismistic adolescent
Positively screwing life
Skate till I die
Hope to earn money using my legs
& lastly , proud to be an under-fcuker achiever .


-Erwin Chua-
-Dayah Wonka-
-Khai Jack O-
-Mokrep !-
-Han Hottest -.-"-
-Tri tri-
-El Nino-

September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 May 2010 June 2010

Credits: Hedy, Inspiration
(c) Picture created using Photoshop CS3